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about me

Michiko Uchiyama

Consultant of Environmental and Biodiversity Management


UN-Conference CBD/COP10 inTokyo, Japan (Oct. 2010)

Organisation of side events and stand attendance

SusCon in Nürnberg, Germany (June 2010)

Organisation of workshops and organisation the participation from Japan

Kobe Biodiversity Dialogue in Kobe, Japan (Oct. 2009)

Organisation of the participation from Germany

UN-Conference CBD/COP9 in Bonn, Germany (May 2008)

Organisation of side events and stand attendance

2005 - 2009

Master of Public and Private Environmental Management, Freien Universität Berlin, Germany

Focus: environmental management, environmental policy and biodiversity

2003 - 2005

Master of Agriculture Science, Tokyo University for Agriculture and Technology, Japan

Department and Research Division of International Environmental and Agricultural Science

Focus: renewable energies, waste recycling system and biomass

1999 - 2003

Bachelor of Agriculture Science, Tokyo University for Agriculture and Technology, Japan

Department of Biological Production

Focus: international environmental policy and agricultural science

After a bachelor and master course at the Faculty of Agriculture at a University in Tokyo, Japan, and the Master’s Program Public and Private Environmental Management in Berlin, I started working at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationalen Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Since 2011 I have been working as freelance consultant.


2011 – today

freelance consultant

2008 – 2011

different positions at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany (Project: ‘Business and Biodiversity Initiative’), among others as a junior consultant

Work experience


Japanese, German and English

Driving License:

Japanese Driving License Class 1, German Driving License Class BML (formerly Class 3)


MS-Office, AppleWorks, SAP-System, Html-Programming, Hypo3, Photoshop, Illustrator

Further Qualifications

Conferences (excerpt)

Website: ‘Biodiversity in Good Company’ Initiative

Japanese Website

Book: “Business approach to biodiversity”

Content, translation and editorial activities

Handbook: “Corporate Biodiversity management Handbook” (Japanese Version)

Translation and editorial activities

Brochure: “From Commitment to Action”

Editorial activities

Editorial activities (excerpt)